Sunday, December 09, 2007

"Snowmen and Snowflakes" Mission Complete (Well, Almost)

I think all of the outside decorating is done. I am glad.

It turned out to be quite a bit more work than I expected. Me and my bright ideas!

First off, I got the ideas to use snowflakes after finding a few packages of little plastic ones at Wal-mart. When I realized I did not have enough and went back to get more there were none. After looking around some more there were no snowflakes anywhere to be found. None other than the lighted icicle type. By the way, it turns out that all these lights I've seen around town have just about burned out. So Shelly & Tyla made some out of that cheap glittered batting that is supposed to be used as a table cover. Tyla had a blast.

We put them on the roof and a few on the fence next to the house.

I made a huge snowflake out of lights on the right side of the yard. Can't see it from the street though. O-well.

I built the Christmas Trees and the Snowman family a couple of years ago. I always get compliments on them. The only problem I have with them is the Pennies I used for the eyes. They keep falling off. I guess Super Glue doesn't stay super forever.

I will have to periodically go out and straighten things up from time to time but I think we are all done. Now its time to sit back and enjoy the season.

Merry Christmas Everybody!

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