As of last Friday, our shop foreman has put in his two week notice, and is going to go to work for as an adjuster for an insurance company. So, as everyone knows, I am the foreman's assistant. Everyone that needs work done comes to me if Corey was not available and I would handle all the delegations and paperwork. Since he was leaving I thought that I would get the foreman's position. I have been working for the shop for over 2 years now, know whats going on, and already know all the in's and out's of the position. However, I did not get it. With mixed feeling, let me step back and give you a little bit more info on who did and why I am not el heffe (I think that's how you spell it).
Some time back an entire bay was taken from the shop and set up for truck inspections. Because of the massive fleet and the amount of tickets that were being give to our drivers for DOT violations (anything that the DPS would pull you over for), the company decided that this would be best to help eliminate the problem. David is a friend of mine and is very close friends of our big boss. David moved back to Fort Stockton from Austin to work in this DOT Lane. They actually are getting paid to inspect a handful of trucks, then stand around and do nothing for 8 hours of the day. David worked as a mechanic many years ago when the company was very little. I guess that was good enough for the big boss to say "Put him in charge." He is a very hot tempered, sometimes ill mannered, short fused man. Though he is a great guy, he is just not management material. The big boss said, that he did consider a couple of us for the position, but thought it best to bring in someone from the outside. "I can't afford to loose anymore help on the floor."
Here is where the mixed feelings part comes to play. I do a lot of work for the shop. And am very depended upon. I've been told by several of the guys that I should have been put in charge, no questions asked. That really makes me feel good; knowing I have a crew that's "got my back". On the other hand, some days, I'm so glad that I am not the decision maker. I'm not going into detail because it is too much to blog about right now, but yesterday was stupid crazy and being in charge of mass hysteria was not something I wanted to deal with. Guys, I make decent money; the over-time is great, so that is NOT the issue right this moment.
My issues are:
I am not allowed to transfer to another department.
I am not able to move up the ladder to a better position.
I cannot go to work for any other company in this area doing the same work for the amount of money that I am being paid; am I going to have to stay in the same position till I die just because of the pay?
Flip side:
I am respected as a hard, dependable worker
Do not have to deal with managing others,
Am in the situation to perform my work the way I want to,
I am not expected to be on call 24/7,
I do not have to do extra work to fill in for what other co-workers didn't or couldn't do,
Put in more overtime just to catch up on the things like paper-work....
Does any of this make sense? Maybe not, but I had to get my jumbled thoughts out so that I might be able to just "get over it"
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