Saturday, August 23, 2008

Satisfied But Frustrated *part one*

I know that I haven't posted in a while but I have good reason.

I will start with the satisfied part first. About 2 months ago a hail storm hit town that did quite a bit of damage. It didn't break any windows but really put some dints in the paint on the house, the cars, broke branches off the trees which knocked over a brick pillar in the front corner of the yard, damaged vents on the roof and, well, caused a big mess. After calling the insurance company they came out and determined that we needed to fix everything that was damaged on the outside of the house. In order to utilize the EXTRA money that was given to us, I decided to contract some of the labor, then do most of it myself. I decided that I wanted to paint the entire house and trim before summers end. I've actually got almost 2 sides of it done in the passed month. That shows how fast this is going.

My big project is going to be the fence. I cannot get the stain that I want in town and have to order it. There is a national back order for 5 gallon buckets of ceder stain at every store I have gone to. At $80+ a 5gallon bucket and repeat customer you would think that they would bend over backwards to get you what you want....but not here..... go figure. ***Nicole, I need help here!***

You would never believe what a new coat of paint would do to make an old house look new and clean again!

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