Sunday, February 12, 2006

I Hate Being Pregnant...

If anyone does not know yet, we are due in September. I am very excited and so is my daughter. However, I think my wife is having second thoughts..... Being pregnant is not all its cracked up to be. Having Tyla was no picknick but my wife was not near as sick, irritable, bedridden, fussy, uggg, must I go on....

I am so tired its unreal. We no longer share the house work, which includes CLEANING, cooking, laundry., cleaning, fixing, ... did I mention CLEANING? .....

Mind you, I still have to take out the trash, clean, keep up the yard, wash the dog, clean the house, minor maintance on the house and the cars and... and ...and.... shall I say ugg agian!?! WAIT I still have to go to work! ........ ugg! To hell with that, F%$#@ .

OK Wait! I AM the man of the house and I WILL and CAN take on what is given to me!!
Thanks for letting me rant!


Tenacious Monkey said...

It's so strange; my wife's pregnant AND she's due in September too. Weird where just randomly hitting the "Next Blog" button gets you.

Scott said...

It is strange, but cool at the same time.

She is now getting over the first "9 weeks" and is getting settled down.

She is still working and is having trouble at work!

Thanks for posting!